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CLASP 2015

CLASP Celebrates Ten Years of Making a Difference

Two hundred friends of CLASP gathered at the beautiful home of Gerald and Barbara Friedman on Sunday afternoon, November 8, to celebrate the tenth anniversary of CLASP. It was a lovely fall afternoon of conversation and delicious food, prepared by Robin Leonard and Karen Rosenthal, with the help of many volunteers, including members of the CHS Interact Club. Music was provided by the Citrus Jazz Combo which added to the ambiance and celebration.

The first four presidents of CLASP were honored by CLASP President Jeanne Hamilton: Carole Harter, Lissa Petersen, Suzan Smith and Teddie Warner. Local dignitaries also honored CLASP and the past presidents. Those included Assemblywoman Judy Chu, County Supervisor Hilda Solis’ representative Rachel Barbosa, Claremont Mayor Corey Calaycay, Pomona City Council Member Debra Martin, CUSD Superintendent Jim Elsasser and CUSD Board of Education members Hilary LaConte, Steven Llanusa, Sam Mowbray, David Nemer and Nancy Tresser-Osgood.

CUSD teacher Lydia Hernandez spoke of how CLASP helps teachers and their students, and shared comments from parents and students. Former CLASP student and current CLASP volunteer tutor Anne Pham talked eloquently about how CLASP helped her and her family. She is pursuing an advanced degree in school counseling.

The beautiful Dana Point home of Hank and Rita Krieger was auctioned during the event. Longtime resident and pillar of Claremont, Marilee Scaff, was the winning bidder. She enjoyed vacationing with her family in this lovely location.

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